Sunday, September 29, 2019

Copenhagen, Sweden

September 2-3, Home to Copenhagen. We travel to Copenhagen through Frankfurt on Lufthansa. The trip worked as planned and we enjoyed the Lufthansa service. The transfer to our flight to Copenhagen was easy and we arrived in relatively good shape to our historic Railroad hotel the Copenhagen Plaza.

Entrance to Tivoli Gardens

We ventured to the Historic Tivoli Gardens across the street from our hotel. The garden and scenery are wonderful for the over 100 year old park. We watched some kids on the rides and had as a goal to enjoy Smörgås, Sweden's open faced sandwiches, for dinner. We found some wonderful ones at the new food court and sat outside with some wine and our sandwiches, watching people. It was funky Tuesday at the place we got the wine so we have some more wine and listen to the 50’s 45rpm vinyls. Welcome to Denmark.

Smoked Salmon Smörgå with soft boiled egg, pickles,
horse radish sauce on pumpernickel bread

Ports visited. Copenhagen, Sweden, Rostock, Germany, Tallinn, Estonia,

St. Petersburg, Russia, Helsinki, Finland and Stockholm, Sweden.