Saturday, November 17, 2018


High tide overflowing the sidewalk

Sunday, November 4 we take it easy in the morning exploring the streets around our neighborhood and figure out how to get a water taxi to the airport the next day. We have lunch right along the Grand Canal as high tide a receded below street level. We watch the many boats with all manner of people and things that pass by as though it were a street.

Just walk up and hire a gondola

In the afternoon we take a city walking tour through the neighborhoods. It is fascinating to see how people live with canals rather than streets. The history is almost too much to take in but the things that experienced guides point out can not be beaten. Then a gondola ride just as a shower breaks out, but we have has the experience.

Street scene

Hidden canals

Two of Venice's 403 Bridges

On our way home we walk into Saint Mark's square with the ornate basilica. Its opulent design with gold ground mosaics, and its status as a symbol of Venetian wealth and power, from the 11th century on the building has been known by the nickname Chiesa d'Oro (Church of gold). We also get to see the dueling bands on the square and can only imagine what it was like earlier in the week when it was underwater. Many of the restaurants are closed on Sunday but we find a nice spot on our street for our typical Sunday night pizza.

Saint Mark's Square
Venetian pizza with capers, anchovies and olives.

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