Thursday, May 2, 2019


Friday and Saturday, April 5 and 6, 2019.

We fly from San Francisco to Madrid with a stop in Atlanta on Delta. Everything went as planned but it was not a particularly enjoyable or comfortable flight. We land early at 7:30 AM and our connection to our tour is waiting for us and we head to the Westin Palace hotel.

Palace hotel
Much to our surprise our room is ready and the hotel and are room are very nice and the staff very efficient. We get prepared for some sightseeing and exploring the hotel. We are located in the central city and after a nice walk we eat lunch at a local place the Taberna El Rincon de Jose. We share anchovies and roasted red pepper, and sirloin and garlic washed down with a local beer. Great lunch that demands a nap.

Anchovies and Roasted Red Peppers

We meet our fellow travelers at a reception and after learning that the hotel restaurant is fully booked we head to the bar for tapas and a bottle of local tempranillo. All that takes its toll for lack of sleep on our plane ride and we fall asleep.

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