Sunday, March 12, 2017

Golden Rock


Today we travel to Mount Kyaiktiyo, the third most important Buddhist pilgrimage site in Burma after the Shwedagon Pagoda and the Mahamuni Pagoda. A glimpse of the "gravity defying" Golden Rock is believed to be enough of an inspiration for any person to turn to Buddhism. Balancing on the cliff top at its peak, this huge boulder, covered in gold, is without doubt one of the most magical destinations in Myanmar.

The legend associated with the pagoda is that the Buddha, on one of his many visits, gave a strand of his hair to Taik Tha, a hermit. The Hermit, who had tucked it in the tuft of his hair safely, in turn gave the strand to the King, with the wish that the hair be enshrined in a boulder shaped like the hermit's head. Kyaiktiyo Pagoda has become a popular pilgrimage and attraction. At the peak of the pilgrimage season, an atmosphere of devotion is witnessed at Kyaikhtiyo pagoda.

To reach the rock we travel a winding 11km 45 minute ride  in an open truck with no top . Due to limited space, Our hotel for the night is the Mountain Top hotel which is on the peak and a 10 minute walk to the Golden Rock. A truly inspiring place that is worth the 6 hour trip. We are able to sleep with the windows open and hear the gentle chanting of the monks through out the night.

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