Sunday, March 12, 2017

Inle Lake to Yangon

WED 08 MAR 2017

Today we fly back to Yangon by taking a boat from our hotel to a bus to the airport in Heho, then a bus in Yangon. Yangon is a bustling city with traffic that lets us inch our way to the National Museum.

Founded in 1952, the five-story museum has an extensive collection of ancient artifacts, ornaments, works of art, inscriptions and historic memorabilia, related to history, culture and civilization of Burmese people. In the throne room you will see miniature models of the eight kinds of thrones of ancient Myanmar kings including the lion throne from the last king of the country. There are Buddha Images and for the display of the culture of the ethnic races of Myanmar. The Buddha images include those which date back to the Pyu Period and up to the present day.

We check into our hotel for a rest and then off to the 2,500 years old Shwedagon Pagoda, which enshrines strands of Buddha's hair and other holy relics. Located west of the Royal Lake on 114 -acre Singuttara Hill in Yangon, Shwedagon Pagoda is the most sacred and impressive Buddhist site for Myanmar. From a humble beginning of 8.2 meters, the Shwedagon Pagoda today stands close to 110 meters. Shwedagon Pagoda is covered with hundreds of gold plates and the top of the stupa is encrusted with 4531 diamonds; the largest of which is a 72 carat diamond. It is clearly one of the wonders of the religious world. Shwedagon Pagoda is a repository of the best in Myanmar heritage – architecture, sculpture and arts. The Shwedagon Pagoda consists hundreds colorful temples, stupas, and statues that reflects the architectural era spanning almost a 2,500 years. After watching the sunset over the pagoda we are off to dinner.

After sunset. Shwedagon Pagoda

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